Friday, April 22, 2011

Cub Scouts, Soccer, Baseball

It's been a busy couple weeks since I last posted. We've put out bags in the rain for scouting for food the first Sat. in April and then went and picked them back up filled with food for the food bank the next Sat. We've had 1 Soccer game (we've been snowed out one and rained out one of 3 weekends). We also started Baseball practices and had a scrimmage game on opening field day.

Helping to unload all the food we collected

That's a lot of food
Now to go inside and help sort it. Pack 26 gatherd 1413 lbs. of food for the local food bank this year.

 Zane getting in there for the ball.
We're ready to play the 2nd half. Go Winner's

BaseBall - Z. our 2 sport player.

Blake is playing to. But my camera died the 1st game. We have 6 games should get some then.

Blake is also into taking pictures with his camera and may be a guest blogger. Can't wait to see what pictures and posts he has for us.

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